22 research outputs found

    Agricultural Land Markets and Land Leasing in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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    The aim of this study is to identify the driving forces that shape agricultural land structures, land market and land leasing in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Institutional developments and land reforms have so far been modest in the FYROM, and have not contributed to significant changes in agricultural ownership, operational structures, or land market and land leasing arrangements. Land ownership and land use are bimodal, consisting of several small-scale family farms and a few large-scale agricultural enterprises. The small family farms own and operate land on several small parcels, which is one of the major obstacles to the modernisation of family farm production. They produce food for household subsistence with mixed crop, fruit, vegetable, grapevine and livestock production. A considerable portion of the land is uncultivated, which affects land market and land leasing values. Due to underdeveloped institutional frameworks and market institutions in support of small-scale farms, a large proportion of state-owned land is rented by agricultural enterprises.

    Agricultural Land Markets and Land Leasing in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Factor Markets Working Paper No. 11, February 2012

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    The aim of this Factor Markets Working Paper is to identify the driving forces that shape agricultural land structures, land market and land leasing in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Institutional developments and land reforms have so far been modest in the FYROM, and have not contributed to significant changes in agricultural ownership, operational structures, or land market and land leasing arrangements. Land ownership and land use are bimodal, consisting of several small-scale family farms and a few large-scale agricultural enterprises. The small family farms own and operate land on several small parcels, which is one of the major obstacles to the modernisation of family farm production. A considerable portion of the land is uncultivated, which affects land market and land leasing values. Due to underdeveloped institutional frameworks and market institutions in support of small-scale farms, a large proportion of state-owned land is rented by agricultural enterprises

    Agricultural Land Markets and Land Leasing in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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    FACTOR MARKETS Working Papers present work being conducted within the FACTOR MARKETS research project, which analyses and compares the functioning of factor markets for agriculture in the member states, candidate countries and the EU as a whole, with a view to stimulating reactions from other experts in the field. See the back cover for more information on the project. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed are attributable only to the authors in a personal capacity and not to any institution with which they are associated. ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to identify the driving forces that shape agricultural land structures, land market and land leasing in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Institutional developments and land reforms have so far been modest in the FYROM, and have not contributed to significant changes in agricultural ownership, operational structures, or land market and land leasing arrangements. Land ownership and land use are bimodal, consisting of several smallscale family farms and a few large-scale agricultural enterprises. The small family farms own and operate land on several small parcels, which is one of the major obstacles to the modernisation of family farm production. They produce food for household subsistence with mixed crop, fruit, vegetable, grapevine and livestock production. A considerable portion of the land is uncultivated, which affects land market and land leasing values. Due to underdeveloped institutional frameworks and market institutions in support of small-scale farms, a large proportion of state-owned land is rented by agricultural enterprises

    Possibilities for project financing of non-government sector in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The aim of this paper is to notify financial sources for project of non-government sector that are mostly used in the Republic of Macedonia and to stress the necessity of some techniques and tools in order to make right financial decisions. It is clear that financial means are needed for realization of project activities of all enterprises, as well as for organizations of non-government sector, too. Investing time and resources in the process of developing good strategy greatly helps to strengthen the overall capacities and guarantees a sustainable and transparent role of this sector. A fundraising strategy identifies solutions that ensure the financial sustainability of non-government sector, which means long-term stability to achieve the mission. Sustainable funding is a move away from the short-term project cycle to a long-lasting, reliable and diverse revenue base

    The Stress Management as a entrepreneurial strategy for increasing of the competitive advantage of the companies

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    We all live in time of unpredictable and quick changes. The effective and efficient management with the changes also modifies the working facilities of the companies, management and employees. The traditional way of working is replaced by the modern and variable working conditions. The aim of this work is to show the importance of introducing the stress management strategies inside and outside the working environment, recognizing the reasons of the stress and stress protection for the employees inside and outside of the companies, as one of the risk factor that influences the working productivity and the efficiency. The building tools for the competitive advantage of the companies are as follows: the understanding and recognizing of the stress condition and individual characteristics helping to control the stress as well as the ability of self-esteeming for the stress level. The conclusions of this book emphasize the fact that the employees are development force of the company and the strategy for the stress management is to increase the competition advantage of the companies

    Претприемничка иницијатива, претприемништвото и малите претпријатија во Република Македонија

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    Последните години интересот за проучување на претприемништвото се повеќе се зголемува а професијата претприемач се повеќе станува посакувана професија. Претприемништвото и претприемачите се од големо значење за растот на една економија. Суштината на претприемништвото се состои во откривање на поврзаноста помеѓу можностите и иновативноста на поединците-претпреимачи. Претприемништвото претставува процес на искористување на можностите а претприемачите личности кои ги откриваат и создаваат можностите, ги искористуваат и создаваат најразлични аутпути, нови производи или услуги или модифицирање, усовршување на постојните., отварање на нови пазари, користење на нови суровини и сл. Создавањето на нов успешен бизнис е тешка работа. Секој сака да ја искористи можноста и да профитира од тоа. Секаква идеја за нов производ, услуга, суровина, пазар или производствен процес која може успешно да се продаде претставува можност за претприемачите на малите претпријатија. Основна цел на овој труд е истакнувањето на важноста на претприемничката иницијатива како основа за започнување со мал бизнис како и прикажување на начините преку кои претприемачот може да започне со бизнис

    Macroeconomic analysis of trade in some CEE countries

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    The research in this paper is focus on macroeconomic analysis of trade and other relevant indicator for real economy such as government net debt, exchange rate, interest rate, and especially the correlation between trade and growth. Today is widely accepted that openness of counties have important role for economic performance, therefore the investigation of trade is challenge for economists of small developing countries. The mail goal in this paper is theoretical analysis of some macroeconomic indicator as a factor of growth and empirical investigation of trade in some CEE countries

    Економијатана туризмот и нејзиното изучување на додипломските студии на Факултетите за туризам во Република Македонија

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    The aim of the paper is to present the role of higher education in the process of studying the economics of tourism as a base for acquiring knowledge necessary for stimulation and amplification of the growth of tourism industry. For that purpose a review of the modules taking into consideration the economic aspect of tourism will be presented. Special attention will be given to observation of the economic modules embedded in the study programs of undergraduate studiesat the Faculties of Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia. In addition, comparative analysis will be performed between the similar modules in selected faculties providing their services in some of our neighboring countries with the modules offered by the domestic faculties. This paper will devote special attention to the importance of the research activities in the area of tourism, conducted by development oriented economists for the purpose of developing the science of economics of tourism. Moreover, modern tendencies and perspectives of the economics of tourism under the community based knowledge will be presented

    Possibilities for development of agro-tourism and gastronomic tourism in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Agro-tourism and gastronomic tourism as an integral part of alternative tourism represents a major opportunity to improve the performance of agricultural holdings and the economic prosperity of rural areas in the country. The paper starts from the standpoint that global changes in the world's main development directions initiate new trends in the field of tourism needs, it sets new challenges for the tourism offer , and the trends indicate increasing demand for alternative forms of tourism. In this context, the paper stresses the role of agro-tourism as a form of alternative tourism which contributes farmers to increase their income through various forms of activities. Particular attention is paid to labor contribution, agrotourism to the creation of new or to the generation of added value to the traditional production of food and wine, rural culture, as well as certain activities related to farming. Alternatively, agro-tourism can contribute to the initiation of new businesses that have no direct link to agriculture. This research is mainly perceived that businesses related to agrotourism have aims as: to keep farmers on farms, provide new jobs, improve living standards of the rural population and to increase the volume of economic activity in specific rural areas. Empirical research is based on interviews and focus groups in selected rural areas. Participants in interviews and focus groups from all backgrounds, to one way or another, are related to agro-tourism and gastronomic tourism

    Економика и организација на угостителството

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    Угостителството е дејност во која големо влијанието зазема човечкиот фактор па поради тоа стручноста на вработените е од пресудна важност за квалитетот на угостителската понуда како од економски, така и од организациски аспект. Вработените треба да имаат одредени знаења, доколку сакаме македонското современо угостителство успешно да го насочуваме кон зацртаните цели, во услови на динамично меѓународно окружување. За да ги задоволи таквите барања, угостителскиот персонал во Република Македонија треба постојано да се школува и усовршува. Потребно е да се применуваат техники на тестирање и подучување на вработените, да се утврдат стандардите во работните процеси, да се одредат основите за мотивација и др. Со еден збор, потребно е вложување во образованието на вработените. Општ е впечатокот дека во Македонија постои недостаток на глобална концепција за развој на туризмот и угостителството, адекватна економска политика, особено развојна политика на комплементарните дејности кои треба да го пратат неговиот развој. Оттука, потребно е угостителството да се набљудува во широки, макроекономски рамки и тоа како специфичен пазарен сегмент чии димензии и економска содржина најцелосно се согледуваат во обемот и структурата на туристичката потрошувачка. Оваа книга е изработена со цел лицата кои директно или индиректно се инволвирани во угостителство да се запознаат со угостителството како основна дејност на туризмот, видовите на сместувачки објекти кај нас и во светот, основната организација на претпријатијата, работните места и работните задачи. За таа цел внимателно се подготвени и претставени сите делови од текстовите чија што содржина е соодветна на потребата од концизна и целосна слика за економика и организација на угостителството